Where to Next?

Hello Travelers!

I have taken a recent break from blogging, and social media in general, as the last few months have been pretty hectic.

The past 15 months living on the gorgeous island of Mallorca have been some of the best of our lives, but certain family issues and a chance to start professional careers in the US at a time when finding work in the EU is difficult led us make a difficult decision. Evan, Dima and I reluctantly packed up our beautiful apartment in Spain and have moved back to Texas temporarily.

Don’t fret just yet! As always, I have another adventure up my sleeve.

This week I will be traveling to a brand new continent – Africa! This time around I will be traveling with my brother and sister, a new experience since it is almost impossible to get my brother to leave our ranch in Texas and get on a transatlantic flight. We will be traveling to Nairobi, Kenya to visit some distant relatives who have lived and worked at the Rift Valley Academy – a boarding school for aspiring missionaries – for the last 20 years.

Africa will be my 6th continent and Kenya will be my 38th country. I am beyond thrilled to explore a completely new culture than I have ever encountered before. Brace yourselves for photo overload and a new travel guide coming soon!


Happy Travels,



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